
Online Submissions

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Registration as an Author and login are required to submit manuscripts online and to check the status of current submissions. If you have troubles logging in or if you are unsure of how to submit a manuscript, please check the related FAQ items first. If you still need help after consulting the FAQ, contact the technical support at


Author Guidelines

Manuscripts have to be submitted electronically using our Electronic Submission System at In order to submit a manuscript, an author has to register with the OJS system as an Author first.

If you have troubles logging in or if you are unsure of how to submit a manuscript, please check the related FAQ items first. If you still need help after consulting the FAQ, contact the technical support at

Manuscript preparation

The complete instruction for authors are available as a part of our sample document, which can be downloaded here in PDF format.

We recommend using LaTeX (part of MikTeX on Windows, or TeXLive on Windows and Unixes) for preparing your manuscript, and BibLaTeX+Biber (or BibTeX) to generate your bibliography. Please note that all Microsoft Word files have to be manually converted before publication, and that the conversion is a time consuming and error-prone process. Thus, in general, LaTeX submissions need less time for technical redaction and are therefore being published faster.

The LaTeX class nnw.cls is a part of NNW author's package that can be downloaded here.

Template for Word can be downloaded here.

Package description:

  • nnw.cls – LaTeX class file for NNW manuscripts
  • nnw_logo.eps – NNW logo in Encapsulted PostScript (used for TEX-DVI-PS-PDF chain)
  • nnw_logo.pdf – NNW logo in PDF (used when compiling with pdfLaTeX)
  • figure.eps – sample picture
  • figure.pdf – sample picture
  • sample_nnw_2.0_beta_7.pdf – a sample NNW manuscript processed with pdfLaTeX
  • sample_nnw_2.0_beta_7.tex – the LaTeX source of the sample, use this as your starting point
  • heading_bibtex.tex - heading  - copy to your  *.tex file, if you use bibtex
  • nnw.bbs + nnw.cls - style files - copy to your root directory if you use bibtex

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  2. The submitted manuscript is written in good English (American or British) and has been 'spell-checked' and 'grammar-checked'. After a manuscript has been accepted by reviewers, we require from our authors to provide us with a manuscript version that is copyedited for English. Without this step the manuscript can not be processed by a layout editor.

  3. The submitted manuscript is in PDF format and the size of the PDF file is less than 8MB. Additional files (data, code, large images, ...) may be provided as supplementary files after finishing the submission.

  4. The submitted manuscript includes on its title page

    • manuscript title,
    • all authors, including their affiliations,
    • the corresponding author and her/his contact information (full postal address, e-mail address),
    • abstract,
    • key words (at least 3).
  5. The submitted PDF proof text is single-spaced and single-column; uses a 12-point font for both text and mathematics; employs italics, rather than underlining; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  6. If submitting a revised manuscript, a separate PDF document is to be submitted, explaining comment by comment the response to the reviewers' comments and changes made in the paper.

  7. Algorithms have been typeset appropriately, according to guidelines given in sample.pdf, Section 3 (Algorithms).

  8. Mathematics (both equations and math within the text and figures) has been typeset appropriately, according to guidelines given in sample.pdf, Section 4 (Equations).

  9. No table in the manuscript spans multiple pages, see guidelines in sample.pdf, Section 2.1 (Tables).
  10. If submitting the final PDF manuscript version, also

    • the LaTeX source of the submission shall be  provided; if you have troubles working with LaTeX, Microsoft Word document file can be accepted instead of LaTeX source; note however, that conversion from MS Word to LaTeX is a manual, slow and error-prone process that may significantly prolong the layout editing time,
    • all tables are typeset within the text and not provided as images,
    • all images are provided as separate PDF or EPS files according to guidelines in Section 2 (Figures and Tables) of sample.pdf,
    • the list of references has been formatted according the rules outlined in Section 5 (References) in sample.pdf.


  11. Are You sure the article layout is in TeX or Word template format ?

    The LaTeX template and author's  package can be downloaded here.

    Template for Word can be downloaded here.

  12. Author(s) agree with publication fee 300 EUR.


Copyright Notice

Only original research papers (not published or not simultaneously submitted to another journal) will be reviewed. Before the article is printed, the authors are required to transfer the copyright of the published article to the publisher. The copyright transfer form can be downloaded here: or here.

Effective upon acceptance for publication in NNW, copyright (including all rights there under and including the right to authorise dissemination, distribution, photocopying and reproduction in all media, whether separately or as a part of a journal issue or otherwise) in the work and any modifications of it by the authors is hereby transferred throughout the world and for the full term and all extensions and renewals thereof, to CTU as a representative of publishers of NNW.

The following rights are retained by the author(s):

  1. Patent and trademark rights and rights to any process or procedure described in the work.
  2. The right to photocopy or make single electronic copies of the work for their own personal use, including for their own classroom use, or for the personal use of colleagues, provided that the copies are not offered for sale and are not distributed ina systematic way outside of their employing institution. Posting of a preprint version of the work on an public server is permitted. Posting of the published work on a secure network (not accessible to the public) within the Author's institution is permitted. However, posting of the published work on an electronic public server can only be done with written permission of CTU as a representative of the publishers of NNW.
  3. The right, subsequent to publication, to use the work or any part there of free of charge in a printed compilation of works of their own, such as collected writings or lecture notes, in a thesis, or to expand the work into book-length form for publication.

All copies, paper or electronic or other use of the work must include an indication of the copyright ownership and a full citation of the journal source.

Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. For all other copying, reprint or republication permission write to the Czech Technical University in Prague.

Responsibility for the contents of all the publisher papers and letters rests upon the authors and not upon the editors of the NNW.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article publication fee: 300.00 (EUR)
Beginning on 1st of January 2016 the Neural Network World will be issued under the following publishing conditions:

  • the fee paid by the author for a published paper up to 15 pages, submitted on 2016/01/01 and after, will be 300 EUR,
  • an extra fee of 50 EUR per page is going to be charged for each additional page,
  • for texts printed in colour, there is an extra fee of 50 EUR per 4 successive colour pages,
  • the tutorial, which can only be published on special request of the publisher, remains free of charge.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.